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What’s this all about?

We have been wondering how to start this blog…
Should there be an introduction or should we dive right in?
On one hand, the last thing we wanted was some “Hello World” post saying “Hi! Welcome to our blog! We’re not sure where this going yet so We’re writing this lame message“.
On the other hand, We think some explanation could be interesting. Just to give you an idea about what you will find here, why we are doing this or as the title of this post already gave away: What’s this all about?
So here’s our Hello World!

Naturist beach of Port Leucate, Languedoc-Roussillon, France - by Gerbil - CC BY-SA 3.0

Who are we?
Let’s start with introducing ourselves.
We are Nick and Lins, a couple in our early thirties. Both born and raised in a small Belgian town, both having a middle of the road youth: Kindergarten, elementary school, first kiss at 14, first beer at 15, first moped at 16, first moped crash at 16 and 2 weeks, you know, the average little Jane and Joe.


Then there was college. More beer, more kisses, a car, more responisibility so less crashes and the development of big dreams. Dreams about great jobs, earning lots of money, finding a partner, buying a house with a nice garden, have a dog and a kid or two. That was our idea of being successful in life. Because that’s how everyone else in the village was living and they seemed pretty happy.

But then after college some things happened. We met each other and fell in love, we started doubting if our “dream” was really what we wanted or if it was just something society wanted us to do and we got bitten by a mosquito carrying the world’s greatest desease: Wanderlust.
So we got new dreams, we started traveling the world and learned a hell of a lot about life and how people decide to be living it.
And then we discovered naturism…

Get to the point…
I hope you’re still with me? Don’t worry of you’ve skipped the two previous paragraphs, nothing was told that can save your life.
If you were hoping to find the naturist bible here, I’m afraid I’ll have to disappoint you. We’re no naturism gurus. Actually, even though we’ve built some experience we still consider ourselves rookies. But we’re planning to fix that in no time!

Like in every new experience, we came back with way more questions than answers.
What does it mean to be a naturist?
What are the rules?
Can you become a naturist over night or is it something that has been boiling inside your whole life?
What’s with the different names (naturist, nudist, nude recreator,…)?
Why is there still a taboo atmosphere around naturism (and how can we get rid of that)?
How do you start with this?
How come the average age of the naturists we encounter is way higher then our age?
And many many more.

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As I said before we are no authority on this subject.
With this blog we hope to take you on an adventure into naturism. We will share our experiences and what we have learned and we hope to inspire you to take the dive yourself, or at least to show you that we are no maniacs or perverts.

If you’ve been reading until here it must mean that we at least made you curious, and for now curiosity is all you need.
Follow us to Nudie Land.



Photo credit: “Naturist beach of Port Leucate” by Gerbil / CC BY-SA 3.0

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10 thoughts on “What’s this all about?”

  1. So wonderful to read through a nudist blog which feels like being part of a unique adventure and exploration done by normal, everyday people instead of the usual commercial, machine-cut pieces which seems to have been written by programs feeding-off of Wikipedia. As a fairly new young nudist and a person who’s living in a nudity-toxic society, I really enjoy reading about all the little musings and insights you guys make about all of your exciting experiences! Best of luck and warm encouragement from Sri Lanka! 🙂

  2. Great blog. Looking forward to following your adventures. And so appreciative that you’re going to the effort be a positive advocate for naturism.

  3. I love your blog! It’s very refreshing to read of these positive experiences that you and your readers have had living as nature intended. Clothing may be necessary at times but clothing-compulsiveness is most certainly not necessary and is actually injurious to human beings.
    Thanks again, Nik and Lins!
    (Another nudie living in the USA/Pac NW!)

  4. Just discovered your blog this morning and have only read a few pages but already I have high admiration for your writing and look forward to reading more and following your journey. Now if I can just get my wife to read it as well.
    Nude regards,

  5. Hi guys! You are very beautiful and cheerful couple! I really liked your blog! My name is Andrew. I’m from Russia! In my country, many people love nudism. I have not traveled much, but I really want to learn about beautiful places, convenient for rest naked! Thank you for the wonderful blog!

    • I cannot resist in replying to your articles. I am a what you might call a closet nudist! Whenever I can I go naked in my home and in the garden. My wife doesn’t join me and thinks I’m mad. Occasionally, I might mention the fact that I’m tanned over all my body and my friends sometimes get the point! I couldn’t care less what other people think about me and my pleasurable hobby of nudity. Unfortunately, I’m too old to go traipsing around the country to find nudist clubs. At 81 years of age and with no transport I’m naturally housebound. However, my freedom is expressed in my nudity!

      • In fact, we would call you a home nudist. But even that doesn’t really matter… As long as you’re happy with your body and lifestyle, why give it a name?

        • Since I wrote to you, I’ve had a new friend join me in the garden. She is, like me, an ardent nudist and we get along just fine. My wife isn’t aware of our nude meetings and she would be horrified at what we get up to when she’s not at home! Although showing her age she is so relaxed with her nudity and to be quite honest, she gives me an erect penis when she poses.

  6. Hi, I’m am a bit like John, i have been a naturist, over fourth years. Give my wife due, when I started, she did join me but after a few times, she turned around and said it’s not for her. She once said I was a hod ball. I like being naked at home. I am really lucky in the summer I can naked be all day and into the evening. I try to go away a couple times a year, i all so go to the local naturist swim twice a month. I live in a wonderful park of the county. I just wish there were group of naturist I could join in.


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