During one of our first naturist camping experiences, we were invited for a communal dinner. This is pretty common at naturist resorts. Sometimes it’s a kind of potluck where everyone brings something, other times one of the guests or the staff cooks the meal and you just pay for it. In any case, it’s always a great opportunity to meet the other visitors of the resort and often a very social experience.
We didn’t really know what to expect, but we figured that even though the evening was getting a bit chilly, we’d better show up undressed. This is a naturist resort after all, and being the only clothed person at the table would probably feel equally uncomfortable as being the only naked person in a group of clothed people. In fact, it was the latter that actually happened. We arrived with nothing but our towel to sit on, and everyone else was nicely dressed.
The clothing etiquette
As newbie naturists, we started doubting whether we were doing something wrong. We had heard about the unwritten rule that said: “naked when possible, clothed when necessary”. Maybe dinner time was one of those necessary cases? Even though the weather was still agreeable enough, maybe it was considered completely not done being with your genitals in such close proximity of your – and other people’s – food? Maybe this was another one of those hygiene rules, like sitting on a towel.
Eventually, the owners joined us at the table and they weren’t dressed up either. This was quite a relief for us, but also made things even more confusing. Clothing etiquette is something we’ve been struggling with quite a lot in our early naturist lives. Apparently, there were three types of situations: One in which clothing is completely not done, like the sauna or the swimming pool. Another one in which clothing is the obvious choice, like on cold winter mornings or when using heavy machinery. And then there are the situations in which everyone can decide for themselves whether they want to be naked or not.
The clothing obligatory restaurants
Restaurants and bars at a naturist resort are those typical places where the guests get the choice whether they want to be clothed or not. But that isn’t always true either. Several times before, we have walked into one of those restaurants naked and have been told to at least wrap around a sarong. In some cases, even the sarong wasn’t sufficient and actual clothing was required.
When we ask about the reason for this rule, hygiene is the most common response. We understand the idea, but we’re not sure whether there’s a lot of truth in it. Are clothes more hygienic than the naked body? Depends a lot on the person, we guess. If you haven’t showered in three days, but your clothes come fresh out of the washing machine, maybe it will be better for everyone if you cover up over dinner. But in general, our travel clothes have probably picked up more bacteria than our bodies did since the last shower.
Nudity is fine, but not while I’m eating
Another reason that we hear now and then is “because people don’t want to see your bits and pieces while they are eating”. Is that really? So it’s fine to see us naked on the beach, in the pool, on the hiking trails, and even on the volleyball court, where those bits tend to move in many different directions. But once you have a knife and fork in your hands, we should take them out of your line of sight?
Every resort is free to have its own rules, just like the guests are free to decide whether they enjoy a resort or not. But when this is the reason for the dress code, we do find it quite bothering. We are all naturists, we are always telling people that there’s nothing wrong with the naked body, that it’s all very natural. How can we then enforce clothing in the restaurant?
Even more annoyingly, if you do want to dine naked, you’ll have to do so next to your tent or at another spot at the resort. This kinda sends out the wrong message, doesn’t it? If the naturist wants to eat naked, she can’t be in the restaurant. Wouldn’t it be much better vice versa? That those who can’t stand the sight of nudity while they’re eating go eat somewhere else?
Why the naturist dresses up for dinner
We have been asking around why people decide to get dressed for dinner, even when the weather and the property allow them to dine nude. And we can tell you, not a single person answered that it was because they don’t want to see nudity or because they thought that their nudity would disturb the appetite of the other guests.
Instead, we heard mostly practical reasons. Some are afraid of spilling hot food, others know that the temperatures will drop eventually and feel nothing for having to walk back to their camper halfway a good conversation just to pick up some clothes. And then there are those who had been in a similar situation like ourselves, who know that many others will probably be dressed and who just don’t want to be the only naked person at the table.
The naturist who likes to dress up
There was one answer that we found particularly interesting: “Because I like to dress up for dinner”. This is something we rarely consider as naturists. We go to naturist resorts because we like to be naked, but that doesn’t automatically eliminate that occasionally we like to dress up as well. And when you think about it, an evening at the restaurant is something we very typically dress up for in the clothed world as well. It’s part of the experience of an evening out. Why should this suddenly be weird or not done when you’re on a naturist vacation.
Every naturist has his or her own likes and one of the reasons why some people are reluctant to visit a naturist resort is because they think that they will be forced to be naked all the time. For us, it’s very important to have a choice. As we are traveling full-time, the clothes we take around the world are mostly chosen because they are practical and not really because they look nice. So dressing up is never really an option for us and we will be dining naked if we have the choice. But we understand that this may be different for others.
How about you? What do you prefer to wear when you’re going to a restaurant at the naturist resort? Let us know in the comments!

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We are fortunate enough to go to a local camp where eating nude is not a problem, and is probably the majority. But they just have a small diner with outside seating and not a restaurant. We also go to Cypress Cove every October. The lack of nude diners in their main restaurant had gotten so bad that they began bribing customers to forgo clothes by offering a free glass of wine to anyone dining nude on Thursday evenings. Since we want to dine nude anyway, we always go to the restaurant on Thursdays.
Thanks for the tip! When we go to the Cove, we’ll make sure to dine on Thursdays 😀
You will have to wait until the Lakeside Restaurant reopens. They closed for COVID and have yet to reopen. Hopefully it is only that they can’t find enough staff and not anything more serious.
We have noticed this at the Cove as well. It sometimes seems that 90% or more at their restaurant are clothed. However, I must say I haven’t seen anyone give me a dirty look for being nude while dining. And once the after-dinner dancing begins, lots of diners are suddenly shedding clothes left and right!
Dinner schminner, let’s talk about breakfast. Our first experience at a nudist facility (not including clothing optional beaches) was in the late 1990s at a campground in southern Indiana (USA). We arrived with our trusty Coleman pop-up (may she Rest In Peace) on Friday evening after dinner, so we didn’t experience the dinner etiquette on our first night. We were told, however, that the restaurant would be open for breakfast. So we rolled out of the camper on Saturday morning naked as jaybirds with towels in hand only to discover that all of the regulars were dressed in track suits or pajamas. OK, it might not have been literally all. Maybe there were a few exceptions, but in my memory we — the newbies — were the only naked people in the dining hall. I believe it might have been a bit chilly that morning, but still it was the middle of the summer. One might have thought that Midwestern nudists would be a bit more resilient than that.
Fast forward to our most recent stay at a naturist venue — the aptly named Club Fantastico in St. Martin. (Our visit was pre-pandemic. We haven’t been naked anywhere except our own back yard since COVID-19 struck.) We stayed at Club F for an entire week and, despite being expressly designated as a Naturist B&B (with the second B standing for breakfast), again the vast majority of guests came dressed to breakfast — including us this time. Lesson learned. (BTW, the breakfasts at Club F are amazing, clothed or unclothed.)
Speaking of our back yard, I just had my breakfast poolside while typing this comment. I’m pleased to report that 100% of the breakfast diners on our patio were completely nude. But then I’m the only one out here this morning.
” I believe it might have been a bit chilly that morning, but still it was the middle of the summer. One might have thought that Midwestern nudists would be a bit more resilient than that.”
Not specific to nudists, but.. not really. There was a common thing with my family, which we thought was funnier than heck – going from the high desert, where summer was 90 degrees almost all the time, sometimes going to 100, and the winters could get to be below freezing, into “Southern” California, and finding that we where all wearing shorts, and t-shirts, and even flip flops in some cases, during like 75-78 degree weather, while the “locals” where all bundling up in freaking long pants and warm coats.
People’s perception of what is actually “cold” can be bloody strange, and someone used to even colder weather, or even just used to being out in it, without wearing more… well… I still think people in mid 70s weather are flipping nuts for needing to put a coat on, and I now live in a “low desert”, where the temps get to be 120+. lol I just.. don’t get it. lol
Whenever we’ve spent a long time in hot weather like South-East Asia or the Caribbean, and then arrive in Europe where the summer evenings can be a bit chilly, we notice that our perception of “cold” has changed a lot too…
This has always mystified me. I hear about the nude cruises, where the restaurant is mandatory dress. One reason I’m not inclined to take one. I enjoy nudist places for the lack of formality. Dress codes don’t belong. I am a fan of clothing optional though.
I hear the mandatory dress is often only loosely enforced at nude cruise restaurants, but YMMV.
We’re about to embark on a nude cruise in Croatia… We’ll keep you posted 🙂
On the large cruise ship nude cruises in the Caribbean there is always the option to eat any meals up at the buffet on the pool deck where you can remain nude. The tour company seems to have settled on Carnival cruise line lately, so there isn’t a big loss missing out on the main dining room. Mrs. J&C does miss the chocolate melting cake when we are at the buffet and forces me to dress for dinner at least once on each cruise!
The things one has to suffer for a chocolate melting cake 😀
I’ve heard that sometimes people get tired of being naked. Makes no sense at all.
Full time nudity is a joy and clothes are a burden!
That’s the interesting part. It makes no sense to some, while it makes complete sense to others. We’ve heard many naturists say something like “why would I want to be naked when I…”
Thanks for another excellent article.
I always talk about the domino effect; two people turn up dressed for dinner, which makes other people uncomfortable, so they get dressed and before you know it, you’re the only one naked every night and people give you looks for it…in a naturist resort!
Yep, that’s something we noticed a lot too.
It’s wrong to expect that every naturist is comfortable being naked in every situation. Especially in situations when other people are clothed. This disturbed a certain balance. Many times before, we have seen a couple arrive clothed at the dinner table and then undress when they see that other people are naked. They just didn’t want to risk arriving naked and see that everyone else is clothed.
I’ve read all through this as I am of the same thinking and don’t understand why naturists should feel the need to get dressed for breakfast, dinner or go to a bar onsite in the evening. Reasons have been put forward but the only reason I can understand is if it is cold. Is it rules that have been put in place by owners ? If not then perhaps owners or management should indicate on or before arrival that eating and drinking should be clothes optional and naked eating is perfectly acceptable. That may then change the mindsets of people towards thinking that it is perfectly ok.
Naturist resort owners seem to often wrongly believe that all their guests wish to dine clothed, just because they are all doing so. In many cases, this happens because of the before-mentioned (by Laurent) domino effect. Some people arrive clothed, then some more,…
It’s indeed a great idea that resorts should indicate that the restaurant is clothing optional and that there’s nothing wrong with dining naked. We believe that Le Couderc in France already does this.
I’d have to say that I’d rather stay naked all the time, than get dressed for dinner. Seems just a little strange. We went to many BN events including the splash event at the Alton Towers splash resort, when there we upward of 200 naked people in the restaurants having dinner, going in and out while others ate. Maybe the odd person put on a dressing gown but most didn’t. At Spielplatz and the Naturist Foundation there were times where the residents or members dressed in the evening to drink in the bar, leaving just Jo and I clothes free, it didn’t phase us but seemed a little strange too 🤔
Completely agree all restaurants on or nearby naturist places should be “Clothing optional” and maybe have a sign at the entry so everybody understands he/she has the option to dress or not to dress.
Indeed nothing to do with hygiëne, argument often used by restaurant owners.
A great article, thanks for making this analyses. Hope it inspires some naturist magazines.
We agree that it would be good if resorts clearly emphasize which facilities are clothing optional. Most just make sure to mention that the water facilities are nude obligatory, but don’t think much about encouraging people to be naked everywhere else as well.
Ik ken een naturisten camping waar ze geen opmerking maken als je naakt komt eten.
Formal dinners are largely a thing of the past in my generation, so I suspect younger naturists probably don’t have as much of a tradition of getting dressed up for dinner. I’ve had that experience at Cap d’Agde where most people were clothed to various extents at the restaurants, but it didn’t bother me. As far as not wanting to be the only nude people there, that’s a self reinforcing fear. Someone’s gotta be the brave one(s) to start the trend. I say it should be up to the individual unless there is a genuine hygiene concern, otherwise, what does clothing optional even mean?
True, but it’s a bit strange that people need to be the brave ones that dare to go naked at a naturist resort…
Agreed. We have friends who visited a resort in Southern California for the first time and they were the only ones naked at yoga and dance class. Odd when newbies are more comfortable than old timers
Yeah, it’s hard to put your finger on why this is happening. Although we have always been promoters of the clothing-optional approach, this could actually be a negative side of this.
it definitely seems to be the domino effect, as we have noticed places that used to be all naturist at dinner are now (nearly) all clothed with no changes in rules, e.g. Euronat, but not so at lunch time meaning that most of the other reasons suggested cannot be true. the result for us is that we tend to just eat out at lunch, so they lose our business, as we don’t like to be made to feel uncomfortable being naked at a naturist resort and don’t want to waste effort (and money if flying) bringing unnecessary clothes.
I totally agree. In Corsica, none of the resorts allow people to eat naked, so that meant home-cooked food for us. And the resorts’ supermarkets don’t like nudity “because there are fruit and vegetables”! We were recently at Bélézy (fabulous resort) and because we only saw clothed people going to the restaurant each night, I asked if nudity was not allowed there, which it was, so I booked. We were the only naked table. Most of these people don’t just throw some clothes on but go all out, dressed for a night at the opera, which completely defeats the purpose of being in a naturist resort, where we are nothing more than our bare selves, with no judgement.
Bélézy is actually the only France4 resort where we did regularly see other naked people at the dinner table. Sérignan, Arna, and Riva Bella don’t allow it, and we remember most guests at Sablière and Euronat to dine clothed as well even though nudity is allowed.
As mentioned earlier in the comments, it would be a good idea if resorts would actively notify the guests that dining naked is totally accepted. But we do get the feeling that some resorts don’t want to encourage naked dining…
Perhaps all the die hard naturists like us should organise a massive trip to the same place at the same time, so we can all stay naked. Although, we’d probably end up with snow in July.
There were naturist days in Finland a week ago. There, the restaurant owner wanted a towel to be around, or a bathrobe to stick in, when fetching food. Otherwise you may be naked.
It’s bizarre and baffling. Our idea of a naturist vacation would be one that would allow us to be naked from the moment we arrive at the resort until we leave for home. I just don’t get having to put on clothes when the sun sets or to visit the resort shop or restaurant.
That is the same for us, but we understand that some people prefer to be clothed at some occasions and we also respect that. Having the choice is really a good way forward.
In the Mexican Caribbean, you can tell the hotels that cater to swingers like Desire from the real nudist hotels like Hidden Beach Resort (HBR) in that the former demand that you dress for meals, while the latter has cupboards stocked with towels in the dining areas just in case you forgot to bring a towel with you from your room. You can actually check in at HBR, take your clothes off and not put them back on again until you leave at the end of your stay. My only complaint about HBR is the useless, rocky beach.
Have you been to Playa Sonrisa? Murph and Cindy definitely don’t cater to swingers but also require you to wrap something around in the restaurant. If we remember correctly, that’s because of a complaint they once got from a guest who didn’t want to see genitals while eating.
Ah, ah, ah… I had a laugh reading at your article. Forcing patrons to dress in a nudist resort is mind-boggling. However, it seems clothing-optional is becoming a kind of norm in many resorts. So be it, as long as nudity remains the preferred option. At least it is for me. As far as the perception of cold is concerned, staying naked in the cold is a habit you can build over time. Of course, you need to apply some judgement because being cold can lead to being sick, but being used to feel cold on bare skin builds a healthier and more resistant body it seems.
If I live to be 200 years old, I will never understand why certain naturist resorts force patrons to dress – for no other reason apart from they are sitting down for their evening meal. There is absolutely no logic in it, as your article points out.
I suppose those of us whose default is nude and we require a reason to get dressed will just have to put up with being prohibited to be nude, even in a naturist resort we have paid to be customers in.
However, in ‘clothing optional’ restaurants, perhaps people like me only have ourselves to blame, because we sometimes just follow the crowd and dress, even if we are allowed to be nude, simply to avoid potentially being the odd one out.
I had an interesting experience while staying at Costa Natura in Spain, where the bar/restaurant seemed to be exclusively nude at lunchtime, but exclusively textile for dinner, but there were no rules.
One day we arrived there in the late afternoon and were still there when others started turning up, dressed up in their best clothes. As the balance flipped from nude to textile, my (essentially non-naturist) wife went back to our room to find something to wear (which is fair enough), and by the time she returned, I looked around and realised I was the only one still nude.
If we had just been arriving, I’m not sure I would have chosen to enter nude and be the odd one out, but I think the way to reverse this state of affairs and make articles like yours unnecessary is for each of us to make a little stand, whenever we can, and be that odd one out if necessary.
On this occasion I decided to remain nude, and it was wonderful. I felt really good about myself for doing the right thing, and you get a real buzz from bucking the trend. Now my policy is to stay nude unless there are specific rules against it.
So please try it.
Couldn’t agree more!
I once attended ” Mystery theatre ” theme show & dinner a few years ago at Bare Oaks Resort, had a GREAT time ( except the long drive )!!! We first had a wonderful dinner served to us and everyone was nude although no one had said one had to be if I remember correctly.
I am hoping that COVID-19 ends soon ( although I don’t think sadly it is going to ) it would be lovely to attend another Dinner/show evening again…
Bare Oaks really holds on to the idea “nude when possible, dressed when practical”. So the majority of the regulars will always be naked if it’s possible, which means that most people in the restaurant will be nude.
I don’t make it to nudist/clothing optional resorts very often, but when I go I want to remain naked the whole time, meals included, weather permitting. So if the resort has only one place to dine (restaurant, snack bar, etc.) it should be clothing optional any time it is open. Same for a bar or place serving drinks. If there is a second “fancy” restaurant then there could be a “dressed” code at that restaurant so people feel comfortable getting dressed up for dinner.
I think there are some nudist resorts where the local jurisdiction might require all places serving food to have clothed employees and possibly even clothed diners.
I feel the same, when I go to a resort or event I want to take off my clothes and leave them behind, until its time to have to wear them again on the trip home.
I have just returned from Costa Natura and apart from three trips to the supermarket spent the entire ten days nude – dinner included.
Wonderfully relaxed and to my mind the reason for going to a naturist resort.
I haven’t been to Europe since long before I discovered I was a naturist. Here in the US, none of the resorts I’ve been to had any clothing requirement for meals, stated or implied. I’ve even joked about getting UNdressed for dinner.
Such a requirement seems like old clothes-minded thinking.
pour moi le restaurant c’est nu comme le reste du temps
mais il est vrai que ces dernières années de plus en plus de personnes viennent habillés déjeuner
celà nous est arrivé à moi et mon épouse cet été, à “la génèse”
nous étions les seuls personnes entièrement nues du repas du soir (avec serviette sous nos fesses évidement) durant une bonne partie du services, sur la fin un autre couple est arrivée nue-( je me suis senti moins seul)
et celà durant la semaine de forte chaleur
je peux comprendre que l’on puisse avoir froid,
mais on peut se rhabilles durant le repas ou en repartant du restaurant
voila mon point du vue
When we were in Vera, Spain. At the naturist hotel we were told that clothing was required (sanitation) in the dining room but not in the bar. We also visited Costa Natura where again (we didn’t ask) everyone was casually dressed for dinner. We’ve been to Solaris (Croatia) a few times and everyone is casually dressed using the dining room or even in the outdoor dining in the evening. (I’m not one that feels or believes I need to be naked all of the time – there’s a time and place.
We definitely agree that there’s a time and place. But that differs from person to person. We definitely don’t think that restaurants and bars on naturist resorts should become nude mandatory because that would catapult us back to the club (or dare we say “colony”) times. But we do believe that it’s important to give people the option.
A few years ago I went to a naturist resort in Croatia (it has since closed) I found it very odd at lunch time you could be naked in all the restaurants. Then at night the same restaurants same staff you had to wear clothes a sarong wasn’t allowed. I found this very odd, what difference does a few hours make and at night most people have had a shower after being on the beach.
These days it’s rules rules rules nudity should be the benchmark of life 😊
Yes, this seems to happen at several naturist resorts around the world, and more often at the more upscale resorts. We also don’t really get where this decision comes from. We understand that some naturists like to dress up for dinner, and that’s totally fine, but it should not be the rule at a naturist resort.
My spouse and I run a clothing optional BnB in Bend, Oregon USA. We find about 1/2 of our guests dress for breakfast even though I explain during the initial tour that we will be naked at breakfast. We’ve observed that some people have paradigms about where it is proper to be naked. Pool, hot tub, sunbathing – of course. Eating – heavens no. For us it is very satisfying that many on their 3rd or 4th morning decide to give it a try. We love it when people step out of their comfort zone and try something new.
It’s quite normal that beginning nudists like to do things step by step. Getting naked is already a big thing, doing EVERYTHING naked is even bigger. But soon they learn the joy of it
To be honest, I do not really enjoy having breakfast nude at home, even if I’m alone, and especially in winter when it’s a bit cold. Outdoor in the summer with some sun, things might be different. Clothes can also be a useful protection. I’d rather have hot coffee on my clothes than on my skin.
There are places where being nude is a great plus (the beach is an obvious one), and others not so much.
I’m with you. I eat naked at naked places, and any place where it’s warm enough and legal to be naked.
“people don’t want to see your bits and pieces while they are eating”
That and the “hygiene” arguments are from people who pretend to be nudist but who still deeply believe that bodies are unsanitary, unnatural, offensive, and rude. They go naked only in hidden camps where they can do some “naughty” recreation, but not at dinner and not in their daily lives. Most of them oppose general nude freedom because they deeply believe that seeing nude bodies in public places is “offensive.” They are the same people who demand that you sit on a towel because “your body is unsanitary,” and they don’t want to touch a place that you touched. This is the same clothed mentality that runs AANR from a clothing required office.
This kind of “clothed to eat” attitude reveals their deep disregard for their often repeated mantra of “body acceptance.” They really don’t accept our bodies as natural and good.
Totally agree with you.
Also the Belgian naturist federation does not even support people who strive for freedom of clothing in public places that are suitable for it, such as beaches, swimming pools, forests, etc.
Thanks for the info. The Belgian Naturist Federation must be a lot like AANR, a group of “nudist” resort owners who depend on general nudity being illegal for their business model.
We do believe in the “always sit on something” rule because people’s bodies do lose a lot of fluids and although we don’t consider the body unsanitary, we prefer not to touch those fluids. But we will also sit on a towel in textile places because your butt is not the only body part that produces sweat.
We can also understand the hygiene part when it comes to staff. Staff members do get really close to your food, so we can understand that the idea is disturbing to some. Not to us though, we’ve eaten a lot in textile places with questionable hygiene too. But the other guests don’t come anywhere near your food, so hygiene can’t really be an issue.
Looks like the vast majority of comments are from men. As a longtime female nudist, here is my take on this. I like to “dress” for dinner in a sheer wrap, jewelry and shoes because it’s fun and I feel pretty. Also, when sitting, many of us have a few extra rolls of fat we might want to cover a bit. I’d also rather have a wrap to sit on than a bulky towel to carry around. And when dinner ends, I have some protection from the weather. When you are a longtime member of a nudist resort, being dressed a bit is a novelty, not the other way around! Of course, everyone should wear as little or as much as they want!
Exactly! All nudists have different wishes or needs and these should be respected.
With all your wondering you must know which naturist resorts where it is okay to have dinner naked.
I know it’s okay in many resorts here in France but we’re always looking to try new places and it would be good to know which ares are okay with naked dining before we get there and are disappointed! We also know other naturists would rather dine naked but feel ‘pressured’ into dressing for dinner!
We need an etiquette guide this and other resort foibles and then we could vote with our feet to where we would feel comfortable.
In Europe, the very large majority of naturist resorts will allow you to dine naked. But many European naturists do like to dress up for dinner, so there will always be clothed people around.
Feel free to send us a message with where you would like to travel to, and we can probably advise some resorts.
Some resorts – not a majority – you have no edit feature!
Interesting to hear of experiences at Cypress Cove. So I wasn’t misremembering years ago that I seemed to be (almost?) the only one naked at dinner. I appreciate clothing-optional because it allows less-nudist SOs (and potentially other family members) to feel more comfortable not to be nude. But I felt a bit uncomfortable myself surrounded my clothed people. I think dressing for dinner can feel a little like cliquishness. If you’re a member or go there all the time, it’s no big deal to dress now and then. But some of us just don’t make it to a resort very often. Say we’re there only one or two days. We come for the comfort of being nude socially for the little time we have. If we didn’t care about that we’d just stay home and when it’s time for dinner go to a local restaurant.
I usually got dressed when eating in the dining room at Cypress Cove – it was just too cold. In most European resorts, causal dressing for meals is normal and even mandated by law in some countries (i.e. Spain). We go to Solaris in Croatia and whether or not casual dress is mandated in the dining room – everyone is casually dressed. In the evening, it cools down and almost everyone is clothed.
Perhaps it depends on what one is eating. I am a vegan and I like nudity everywhere. But I eat vegetables and grains. I can imagine that someone chomping on a chicken breast might not want to see a human breast, or chomping on a rump roast might not want to see a human rump.
It may be true of drinking as well. A beer or mixed drink is not human flesh but could have a similar color to a body fluid. There is also the possibility of alcoholic stimulation: a person having no problem with my nudity when sober might get a bit excited when tipsy.
Your.. imagination Wadhamite disturbs me. Not because of the images that seeing someone eating meat, while naked would, but my attempt to try to comprehend your point. Pretty sure humans where eating “chicken breasts”, or the “rump” of a pig they recently hunted, long before they invented clothing that covered *either* similar parts of their own bodies. I absolutely know its not something any single tribal member in the Amazon, or anyplace else, where toplessness is normal, and the “bottom” barely covers the front, has likely ever once had such a thought. That you do….